The strong a half of the surface of the Earth which is covered by the ocean. The report landed on his desk → Le rapport a atterri sur son bureau. He landed a punch on his opponent’s mouth after the top of the eleventh spherical. The solid part of the surface of the earth as distinct from seas, lakes, and so on. On dry land adv en tierra firme loc advI did not believe I had survived the shipwreck until I was back on dry land.
Here we divide the 70 plus 12 months time span into 4 phases in accordance with main modifications in farmers’ rights in rural land. Dispossessed laborers can migrate into cities or turn out to be agricultural workers within the countryside, only now they have questionable land rights to return to. Up to this point, there haven’t been many legally examined circumstances of peasants reclaiming their small land plots because the contract time of switch is now a minimum of 10 years. To illustrate this point in more detail we will draw upon the work of Xu , who studied the political sociology of land assembly in a village in Sichuan. In this case, capital interests in assembling land meet the specified government outcomes of farm enlargement, if peasants could be persuaded to surrender their land administration entitlements.